1-2-1 Business Coaching

Accelerate your results and achieve your goals

1-2-1 business coaching is the most results driven of all coaching methods; it is so successful that we guarantee results for all our clients. These sessions help you to identify the leavers that will have the biggest impact on your company’s growth.

We will help you develop a strategy focused on the growth and development of your business which will enable you to manage your time better and get results.

Guaranteed results for your business

We will start with an alignment session to get a clear idea of where your company is now and your aspirations for the future so that we can begin focusing on the actions that will get you there.

This will then form the basis for the rest of the coaching. We will fully commit to your business and will always be on hand to help.

Our support is designed to give you a sounding board and an additional mind, backed by knowledge and experience. Working together, you will be amazed at what your business can achieve; turning a business that is simply surviving into one that is thriving!

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Strategies that really work

The coaching consists of weekly or fortnightly one-on-one sessions, as well as quarterly 90 Day Planning Workshops, where you will network with other like-minded business owners.

You will gain access to outstanding Bill Squires Business Coaching (BSBC) strategies that are proven to work on other companies around the world, driving profits straight to your business.

Throughout the coaching, you will receive full email and phone support and will be able to contact us about anything in between coaching sessions. We can advise you on everything from marketing strategies and sales processes to time management and recruitment systems.

You will learn everything you need to know to manage and run a successful business.

Sign up today to improve your lifestyle and your business

Bill Barton – Barton Legal

“You have a belief ‘I’ve been running my business for 10 years plus, so I don’t need a coach, I am doing everything right, making a profit, growing etc’.

But it was only when I started to talk and have regular sessions with Bill that I began to understand all the things that I didn’t know, eg how we manage our pipeline and regulate the flow of our work, business and money. Basically, the earlier you start with coaching the better!”