Are you looking for coaching as a Start Up?
Running your own business should give you freedom, new challenges, and excitement but it can also be overwhelming and stressful at times.
Many new business owners struggle to find a successful work/life balance and seem to spend all their time working in their business.
This is where having a dedicated start up business coach could really help you.
We can assess your business from an outside perspective looking for ways to move it forwards while also giving you more time to work ON your business rather than IN it.

Rhys Boven – Wharfedale Interiors
“For me, its accountability. As a small business owner, it’s easy to feel you are on your own, there is no one to pressurise you. You are your own Chairman or CEO, you can’t speak to your other half either, which I learnt very quickly!!
I am now having regular sessions with Bill which have really helped me, especially in the lockdown. Before I thought we are lucky to have a business, I have a house and I’m doing all right for myself.
Now he has changed my thought process and positivity to look for the opportunities and how we can grow. I have set tasks each week and as I know I am going to report back on what I’ve done, I do them! That is having accountability. It has helped my business massively.
There is a quote “You are who you surround yourself with”. For me having Bills positive energy around me, especially in a time where I’ve just had two months of no business, is changing everything.”