The road to business growth is never without hurdles and the same key challenges face many business owners. Read on for Bill’s insight into the five biggest challenges to business growth and his strategies to mitigate them. 


Challenge to Business Growth No 1: Lack of a Growth Plan 

If you don’t have a plan for growth, it won’t happen.

Strategic growth planning is essential. Without a clear roadmap and defined goals, it’s impossible to determine the direction your company is heading and the steps required to get there. A growth plan serves as a guide, outlining specific objectives, timelines and the necessary resources to achieve them. 

  • Start out by setting ambitious yet attainable growth goals for your business 
  • Conduct research into the market to identify opportunities and potential risks 
  • Develop actionable strategies and tactics tailored to your business’s unique needs and industry 
  • Regularly review and revise your growth plan, ensuring it aligns with your business objectives 

A comprehensive growth plan not only improves your chance of success, but also provides a sense of direction and purpose for your team. 


Challenge to Business Growth No 2: Failure of the Business Owner to Let Go 

Business owners often find it challenging to delegate tasks and responsibilities, but micromanaging every aspect of the business is a huge challenge to growth. 

Effective delegation is crucial to unlocking your business’s full potential and fostering a culture of innovation and growth. 

  • Actively encourage employees to step up and take responsibility 
  • Identify tasks that can be assigned to capable team members and clearly communicate expectations and desired outcomes 
  • Empower employees to make decisions and take ownership of their responsibilities and regularly provide feedback and support to encourage growth and learning 
  • Plan succession and promote from within to allow yourself to step back from day-to-day operations, enabling you to focus on strategic planning and growth   

Relinquishing control and empowering team members creates an environment that fosters creativity, efficiency and collaboration – all things which help create a solid foundation for sustainable business growth. 


Challenge to Business Growth No 3: Failure to Find the Right People 

Identifying and recruiting the right talent is a challenge faced by many growing businesses. It’s not necessarily lack of budget that’s the problem, says Bill, it’s lack of time implementing a robust recruitment process.  

Good people might not cost you more than bad people. So, why do we have bad people? Because we haven’t spent enough time on the recruitment process.


  • Clearly define the roles and responsibilities necessary for business growth  
  • Leverage your network and professional platforms to connect with potential candidates 
  • Get a large pool of candidates, bring them together and test them so the best person stands out  
  • Choosing the best person from a large group is more effective than just meeting one person and deciding whether they’re good enough to join the business 
  • Prioritise key skills, cultural fit, and passion for your industry during the hiring process 

Finding talented individuals who align with a company’s values and possess the necessary skills is instrumental in driving growth. No business owner should ever settle for hiring simply to fill a position. It’s critical to invest in building a team that shares your vision and can contribute to the company’s growth trajectory. 



Challenge to Business Growth No 4: Lack of Appropriate Management Information  

Without access to reliable and timely management information, business owners can’t make informed decisions that drive growth.  

Quality management information (‘MI’) gives valuable insights into the health of your business. It allows you to identify areas for improvement, make more informed decisions, track progress towards your goals and identify more opportunities for growth. 

Reviewing MI lets you adapt quickly to market changes, anticipate trends and stay ahead of your competition. By consistently evaluating and acting upon this information, you’ll empower your team, drive efficiency and position your business for sustainable success.  

“What gets measured gets managed,” so Bill says to make it a priority to regularly review and leverage MI to propel your business forward.  


Challenge to Business Growth No 5: Lack of a Growth Mindset 

Having a growth mindset is also essential. Without the ambition to grow, your business will stagnate. Fostering a culture of continuous growth and development is crucial for overcoming challenges that arise during the journey:  

  • Encourage open communication, collaboration and experimentation to foster innovation within your team 
  • Embrace failures and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning 
  • Surround yourself with a supportive network of mentors, peers and industry experts 
  • Celebrate successes, big and small, to boost morale and maintain a positive work environment 


And something that’s not a challenge to business growth…  

Is recession.  

Even when a business’s sector is shrinking, opportunities are still out there. When their sector is shrinking, growth-orientated business owners actively do two things – expand into new sectors and take business off their competitors 

Growing a business requires strategic planning and goal setting along with regular review and analysis. The importance of this can never be understated. But by implementing strategies to attract and attain the right talent, delegate responsibilities and ‘let go,’ business owners give themselves significantly more time and opportunity to drive growth. 

If you’d like help to drive your business growth, contact us for a no-obligation chat and let’s discuss how you can set and achieve your goals for 2024 and beyond.