The answer is…the approach varies from coach to coach! Here at Bill Squires Business Coaching, we know that most people haven’t experienced business coaching, so to demonstrate the value, we start coaching you as part of our On Boarding Process (OBP) from your first meeting with Bill. After all, how do you know what it is all about unless you experience it?  

What is your On Boarding Process? 

Our OBP can be broken down into five stages. At no point will we ‘sell’ to you. Our approach aims for you to understand what coaching is (and experience it first-hand!), see if you’re ready to be coached, and if we’re the right fit for you, among other things. To find the right coach, you need to spend time with us and by spending this time you’ll also get value for your business. 

Business coaching is an investment in time and money, so to make sure you are getting the best coach for you, we’ll ensure you get to know Bill and the team, so you can make the right decision.  

Here’s how our OBP works…  

Stage 1) An Introductory Call with Bill 

This is typically 30 minutes via Zoom, where we’ll discuss the following: 

  • Who you are 
  • What your business is 
  • Who is Bill 

Stage 2) Pre-Work: Your Business Background Questionnaire 

We’ll send you a questionnaire for you to fill in. It’ll help you think through where you are regarding your time, team and money and what you want.  

We ask for more detailed information about you, your business, current challenges and about your team. Plus, your current marketing activity and some top-line financials – but only as much as you are willing to share! The more you share, the more information it gives Bill to work with for your next session which means he spends more time coaching you. 

Stage 3) Your Discovery Call 

This meeting aims to find the main profit-building opportunities within your business. Coaching is an investment in time and money, so we want to ensure you will get a return on this. This session typically takes 30 minutes and can take place via Zoom or in person. 

Stage 4) Pre-work: Your Top Business Priorities 

Time to identify your Top Business Priorities – we ask you to consider what is important to you and what defines your success. We’ll also send you some videos of the approach Bill takes during his coaching sessions to give you an idea of how we do things! 

Stage 5) Your Selection Session 

In this 90-minute session (which can be conducted via Zoom or at our office – we do prefer to do this in person as a great coaching relationship is based on trust and we believe in-person sessions establish this better and faster), we’re ultimately answering four questions: 

The first two questions are for you to answer: 

  • Is business coaching right for you? 
  • Is Bill the right business coach for you? 

The third question is for Bill to answer: 

  • Are you ready to be coached? (I.e., do you have the capacity to work on the business rather than in it – for example, do you have the time to look at marketing and finances differently?). Also, are you open to someone else sharing ideas about your business?  

If the answer to all the above questions is yes, together, we’ll consider the following: 


What do people think of our OBP? 

We asked two clients who’ve recently undergone our no-obligation OBP. Here’s what Melissa from Enki Solutions and Daniel from StudioDH had to say about it… 

 How did you find the On Boarding Process? 

Melissa –  

“From my first introduction with Bill, I felt fully engaged with the process. Bill and the team took the time to explain things in detail, were more than happy to answer my questions and ensured that I had all the information I needed to make a decision about the services I could benefit from.” 

Daniel –  

“If I am honest, I found the On Boarding Process absolutely thrilling, and it left me fired up and ready to change the world! Bill was extremely generous with his time, and whilst we only touched on key topics and how the process of business coaching worked, I found it extremely informative and quickly built a deep trust with Bill and the ActionCOACH system. I knew quite quickly that I wanted to work with Bill and his team and that it would have a great impact on my business and my life in general. I couldn’t wait to get started.” 

Did you feel in control? 

Melissa –  

At no point in the process did I feel pressured into making a decision or that I had made the wrong one. Bill was very open on encouraging me to look at other providers and to consider carefully if coaching was right for me at this stage. At each point in the On Boarding Process, I had the opportunity to review and consider my options.” 

Daniel –  

“Yes. Absolutely. The On Boarding Process is taken step by step, with various meetings and forms to complete along the way. There was no pressure to commit to anything at any time, it was more about learning how the process would work, and Bill explained things very clearly, was a very good listener and answered any questions I had.” 

What would you say to someone considering business coaching, and would you encourage them to try Bill Squires Business Coaching’s On Boarding Process? 

Melissa –  

“I’d say do it! Having spent many years working on my own and trying to juggle so many things at once, coaching helps to bring clarity, focus and structure. To have a resource available to help guide and support decision-making, planning, and priorities is invaluable. I’d absolutely encourage people to try it. The process is a learning opportunity – to review where you are and how you and your business could develop with the right coaching. The On Boarding Process takes the time to ensure you are right for the service and the service is right for you, an open and honest approach to both reassure the prospect and make clear what they would be committing to and what results they could see if they did.” 

Daniel –  

“I have already encouraged my wife to start the On Boarding Process! I would say to anyone who is serious about transforming their business to just go for it; you can’t lose. There is no pressure to commit to anything, and by the time you have completed the On Boarding Process, you will know if business coaching is for you.” 

Would you like to have a chat? 

Would you like to meet Bill and have a chat? There’s no obligation during this meeting; it can be via Zoom or you can meet for a coffee to get to know each other. To book this meeting, click here. Or call Lindsey, who manages the On Boarding Process for Bill, on 07773127099.